People die in all sorts of ways. In this article, we’ll focus on one of the top ten causes of death. That’s because the majority of deaths in the world (>50%) are attributed to the top ten causes. By understanding the top ten causes of death and how to avoid them, you can stack the odds in your favor for living a longer than average life.
Heads up: This article was commissioned as a part of the Adam Rush Project. It was an experiment I did a few years ago to see if having books written by ghostwriters would be commercially viable. It wasn't. That said, the following article was written by someone else and not yet edited to my standards. I hope to find time to rewrite it myself in the future, but for now, read with caution.
Disclaimer: I wish I could tell you that I’m a doctor, but I can’t. I’m just an inquisitive author with a background in science and a love for practical research. The content of this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. If you want medical advice, ask a real doctor.
What is a Lower Respiratory Tract Infection?
Lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) are acute infections of the lungs and airways. Common lower respiratory tract infections include pneumonia, bronchitis, and croup. LRTI is more common during the winter because people tend to stay indoors in close quarters with one another. Although symptoms vary, the most common symptoms of lower respiratory tract infections include:
- fatigue
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Nasal congestion
- Lethargy
- Fever
- Shortness of breath
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 250 million cases of LRTIs were reported globally. These resulted in more than 2.5 million deaths. Most deaths occurred in low and middle-income countries. Viruses cause most cases of LRTI. Pneumonia is an exception because it is caused by the streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. These infections are spread in several ways. Whenever you speak, sneeze, or cough, the virus goes into the air and can infect another person.
How to Avoid Dying from Lower Respiratory Tract Infection
Although these diseases kill millions each year, simple precautions can prevent them. Here are some preventative measures:
If you are unwell, stay home
If you contract an LRTI, seek medical attention immediately. Then stay home until you feel better. Getting enough rest will help you get over the infection quicker. It also keeps the infection from spreading to other people.
Consider getting a flu vaccination
Getting the flu vaccine each year before the start of winter will lower your chances of catching the flu. There are over 140 strains of flu. Each year, the flu vaccine is tailored to contain the 3-4 most prevalent strains. Getting vaccinated not only protects you from this illness, but also protects everyone in your community. It is particularly important to get vaccinated if you come in regular contact with people with weakened immune systems like children and older people.
Practical ways to avoid spreading lower respiratory tract infections
Although these diseases are highly infectious, you can prevent their spread by:
- Regularly washing hands using clean water and soap. It is especially crucial after visiting the toilet, before preparing food, after blowing your nose, and after changing diapers.
- Sneezing and coughing into a tissue
- Always covering your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Keeping your hands away from your mouth, nose, and eyes
- Avoiding sharing cutlery, glasses, and cups when drinking or eating
- Disinfecting household surfaces
Self-care can help
Treat LRTIs by using the following self-care techniques:
- Use non-steroidal inflammatory drugs and paracetamol like ibuprofen to relieve symptoms of fever and pain
- Drink plenty of fluids to remain hydrated. Water is best, but warm drinks are great since they can be very soothing
- Rest and avoid any strenuous activity
- Ensure you rest in a room where fresh air is circulating, and the room temperature is comfortable
- Consider taking a cough medicine as it will help soothe a dry or ticklish cough. Seek medical attention. If you prefer over-the-counter medications, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Avoid smoke because it irritates the throat and nose. It requires staying away from people who smoke and staying away from smoke-filled environments. If such infections keep occurring and you are a smoker, then consider quitting the habit altogether.